veterans posttraumatic stress disorder

my last soldiers poem of the month ends today

Veterans Posttraumatic Stress Disorder


Veterans posttraumatic stress disorder

Many vets have (ptsd)posttraumatic stress disorder
Living their lives on the border.
They served their nation, they served it well
But now their minds are shot to hell.
They leave the v.a. hospital and head to the railroad tracks
With suicide intentions there’s no turning back.
Why are they trying to get help when it’s too late?
Give classes to the military ahead of time
So they don’t go into a situation completely blind.
Prepare the soldiers for what lies ahead
Don’t wait until they are dying or laying dead.
The more knowledge the better the chance
So ptsd don’t advance.
War takes a toll on everyone – it is not a game
It is not fun.
Help should be given both on and off the field
So with life they can deal.
© L. RAMS042118

louis rams :

freedom is worth fighting for

this is my soldiers poem of the day

Freedom Is Worth Fighting For


We spilled our blood in foreign lands to get them to understand
That we had our own civil war cause freedom is worth fighting for
We do not want to be the guardians of the world and tell others what to do
But the rights of man is also up to you.
The American soldiers wear their uniforms proud and we don’t
Hide in civilian clothes in a crowd
putting bombs every where, taking innocent lives and trying
To create fear.
In every war since the beginning of time because of the uniform
The enemy was defined.
Do you wear civilian clothing because you are ashamed
then your leaders are the ones to blame
Do you think anyone will remember the names of the suicide bombers
From the truth nothing can be farther.
Search the libraries, go ahead just look
This is the reason freedom is worth fighting for
So tyranny can march out the door.
© L. RAMS 012216


the angels came upon the battle fields

The Angels Came Upon The Battle Fields


The angels came down upon the battle field
To deliver faith, and to heal.
They put back faith in the hearts of these women/men
Until this “ uncalled for war” would finally end.

They looked upon the wounded laying on the ground
But their faith had been found.
They looked at the spirits rising from the dead
And they all bowed their heads.

They said a prayer for every one
Who was going to meet the fathers son.

May the lord raise his hand, and bless
all nations and their promised land.
May he touch the hearts of all in despair
And give love and joy for them to share.

But! The angels jobs were far from through
There was so much that they had to do.
Faith wasn’t only needed on the soldiers battle field
But this entire world needed to heal.

They spread their powerful white wings to the skies
And they all began to fly.
The whites of the wings covered the skies
As they started to heal you and I.

The world felt the strength in their wings
As it touched every thing.
Their hearts filled, as the tears rolled from their eyes
For GOD gave them the greatest surprise.

He gave them faith when there was none to be found
And turned their hearts completely around.

louis rams

soldiers family heritage

my soldiers poem of the day

Soldiers Family Heritage


Every family member had served this nation
He looked forward to it with anticipation
Every member had left their mark
And on this road he would embark.

Members had served since the civil war
It was a desire, not a chore.
With pride and determination he knew
What he had to do.
He had to defend the red, white, and blue.

He decided to try for the navy seals
It was a desire which he did feel.
He had to be the best that he could be
For the honor of his family.

The training for the seals is really hell
After the first week he could tell.
Most of the members of his platoon
Decided to give up much to soon.

This was the biggest challenge that he would face
And his name he would not disgrace.
He thought of his family and what they went through
And he knew what he had to do.

He called and asked his family to come down
And seeing them, new strength he found.
His father held the civil war flag
And for that he was glad.

It had been passed down from generation to generation
And this sight was his salvation.
A new inspiration arose in his chest
And he would give his very best.

The family gave him the strength he would need
For in him they had planted the seed.
he would awake with his mind crystal clear
And achieving his goal he had no fear.

Now he was a navy seal, so much pride he did feel
He had achieved not one goal but two
And of this his family knew.

There is now another generation on its way
And to the lord he does pray
Let this continue down the line
For when it becomes my sons time.

louis rams

proud soldiers

my soldiers poem of the day

Proud Soldiers


First and foremost she is a woman with a woman’s desires
And as a soldier she’ll stand in the line of fire.
This is her family away from home and like so many
Others she is not alone.
She’ll stand her ground against all enemies nomatter who
They may be, if they try to take away our liberty.
You wear your uniform with such pride unlike the
Terrorist who try to hide.
You are Americas best- the proud soldiers put to a test.
The proud soldiers who hold their heads up high
As the American flag passes by.
Take pride AMERICA and march to the beat
The American soldier will never retreat.
© L. RAMS 082119

louis rams :

is it war

my soldiers poem of the day

Is It War


is it war? or is it murder?
(war is a declared armed hostile conflict between nations.)

but! when you have bodies laying on the ground
without arms or legs
and no one to hear you pray.
then you question all you see
and if the butchering is meant to be.

have you ever seen a person taken out of their bed
taken to a wall and shot in the head.
or a person because of their religious belief
taken from their families and left with grief.

what about someone killed because
of the color of their skin
and the hathred building within.

what about women and children being kidnapped
for human trafficking, and living like slaves
for someones riches to gain.

there is no declared war in this world right now
but the butchering is everywhere to be found.
no matter what they may claim to be
they are terrorist, unlike you or me.

they will commit suicide and pray
to be a martyr
for living life is so much harder.

they are not soldiers of war
they are murderers who take joy
in all that they do.
but their time will come
this much is true.

so many injustices in this world
created by man, now it’s time
for the believers to take a stand.

if you believe in GOD, freedom, justice
peace and love
then it’s time that you spread the word
for all of these things to be heard.

injustices is the battle that we must fight
for we have GODS strength and might.
do not give up, and never despair
for he will always be right here.

louis rams