The Roman soldier

For some Roman soldiers, crucifixion was just a job and nothing more , they had seen so many who had bled out before . For this one soldier he felt the pain as Christ called out to his father he thought was in vain . When the sky turned black-and-white the thunder roared unlike anything hr had heard before . The rain came down in all its fury. Shaken and scared he fell to his knees and begged for forgiveness of this deed . He knelt there until the rain subsided and saw a light shine down from the sky on Christ – that’s when the soldier knew what his followers said was true . He took off his armor and walked away and became a follower on that day .

(C) poetlou 052523

who was he ( childrens Christmas story )

my Christmas story # 25


one every day of the month

Who Was He (Childrens Christmas Story)


once upon a christmas day
when the children had came out to play
there in the snow on the ground
a baby was there that they found
the baby was as white as the snow
and his cheeks had such a glow.
he was wrapped in a blanket of red
and the snow was his bed.
most children would have cried
from the cold.
but he was laughing
or so i was told.
his laughter was quite different.
it wasn’t a ha-ha-ha.
but a ho-ho-ho.
the children picked him up to take him inside
to show their parents
their brand new find.
the parents shocked and dismayed
none knew- just what to say.
who would have the heart to put
this child abandoned in the snow.
his body temperature from what i see
is as perfect as can be.
now you know that the police
are forty miles away.
what can we do, what can we say.
we have no phone and very little gas
should we keep him, or should we pass?
there’s not enough food to go around
and now another mouth that you found.
the baby lying in the bed
pointed up above his head
waved his finger all around
and food came tumbling to the ground.
he waved his finger one more time
and at their feet, christmas boxes galore
like you’d find in a department store.
all with labels with their names
clothing, shoes, and electronic games.
looking at the baby in total surprise
there came a gleam in his eyes.
the baby laughed his ho-ho-ho- again.
‘this is for you my wonderful friends.’
you helped others when you couldn’t help yourselves
and shared the little bread with others
and called them your sisters and brothers.
now it’s time for you to receive
for all the kindness that you’ve achieved.

and quick as a lightning he was gone.
but he left the red blanket to carry them on.

now my children i must ask
who was the one that created this task?

faith and love will rule this world
teach it to your boy and girl.

louis rams :

Christmas story ” Believe “

my Christmas story #18

one every day of the month

Christmas Story ‘Believe’


she was awoken with a loud thunderous sound
she jumped up and looked around.
it can’t be santa claus? it just can’t be.
mommy did’nt even have money to buy a tree.

she heard the sound one more time
and upon her roof they did climb.

the little pitter patter of hooves
above her head
made her turn and jump out of bed.

she ran to the window and
looked to the roof
she wanted to tell her mother
she did have the proof.

she saw something red
moving to the chimney
then she knew it had to be.
that santa claus is not only
in our hearts and minds
and will live throughout all time.

all children are supposed
to be asleep.
but through half closed eyes
they would peak.

she then heard the sounds in
the room below.
as she opened the door very slow.
to her surprise there was a tree
decorated ‘oh so beautifully’.

and there under the tree
there was gifts galore
who would think – that they were poor.

as she started to look around
at the fireplace he was found.
he was having the milk and cookies
that were left that night.
‘ oh my gosh what a beautiful sight’.

he then put his finger to his nose
and just like the book
up the chimney he rose.

she went back to her room, and climbed
back into her bed, said her prayers
and laid down her head.
she awoke the next morning
thinking it was a dream.
when she heard her mother scream.

how is this possible? how can it be?
‘all these presents, and with a tree.’
as she ran to her mothers side
the tears started to fill her eyes.

i don’t know who did this? i have no clue
and i don’t know what i should do.
she then told her what she heard
and saw the night before
when she opened up her bedroom door.

as we opened up the first package
from under the tree
we saw a metal frame with one word.
now we put this question to you.
do you believe? is this story true?

louis rams :

Christmas Red Suit

my Christmas story #17

one every day of the month

Christmas Red Suit


The town was completely covered with snow
And the children’s hearts were all aglow.
Christmas day would soon be here
With Santa and his reindeer.
His magical bag would be full of toys
For all the little girls and boys.

Many would try to stay awake that night
In hopes of seeing a red sleigh in sight.
Although this may be a small little town
The Christmas spirit is all around.
The town center Christmas tree with its decorations
Tinsels and lights, leaves the town cheerful and bright.

All the shops with Christmas greetings
Welcoming in the new season and the department store
Windows with all the animated toys
Attracting all the girls and boys.

Yet! Let’s not forget the child that was born
To give us this holiday, and to him we all must pray.
He gave us a man all dressed in red, who is now
In our hearts and in our heads.
He is here to remind us every year to spread
Gods good will and good cheer.
The children know him as Santa with the red suit
His beard white as snow, leaving gifts and
His HO- HO- HO.
The red suit is the symbol of the blood that he shed
The white is the purity on top of his head.
© L. RAMS 111016

special needs Christmas

my Christmas story #12

this is for the Autistic children

Special Need Christmas


The Christmas angels come down on Christmas day
To watch over the children as they play+
These angels are for children with special needs
Giving them hope and love on which they feed.

As they listen to stories of baby JESUS and how Christmas came to be
With Santa his reindeer and the Christmas tree.
The smiles on their faces as they visualize
Santa and his reindeer flying up high.

Their eyes as big as the buttons on Sants coat
As they listen to “ twas the night before Christmas “
With joy and hope.
They hold hands as it gets close to the end
Of all their family and their friends.

Looking at their faces you see just pure love
Given to them from the angels above
There are no bad thoughts or bitterness or hate
Just the innocent love flowing from heavens gates.

Make this a special Christmas for them today
Show them your lo

saving the children

Saving the children

There are children’s hospitals across this land
Who need a helping hand.
Charities and organizations do their best and
Day to day are put to the test.
The medical expenses have gotten much to steep
And the payments , families cannot reach.
Every child deserves a chance to live and that is why
We have to give.
It may be your child or a child you know , and without help
They will not grow.
They say “ the eyes are the key to the soul “
Yet when I look at them I see an emptiness deep inside
And the fear which they try to hide.
Create a chain reaction amongst your friends and see
What ever they could send.
One dollar from ten of your friends and one dollar
From ten of their friends will become an internet trend.
Just pick a organization that you would like to donate too
And have your friends follow through.

i started a fundraiser for ST, JUDE ON FB

(C) L . RAMS120519

silent voices

I’m writing this poem for all of you, cause true
Poets are far from few.
A true poet writes about every day life
The joys , the loves , the sacrifice.
There is not a topic they will not touch . Because
Life gives us “ oh so much “.

Each poem is like a wave beating against the beach
Touching anyone that it can reach.
It can be as smooth as glass , and tell your stories
Of the present or past, and most of us have gone
Thru love , joy , sorrow ,bitterness and hate
And other things in which we can relate.

We become the eyes and voices of the silent ones
Who are afraid to speak “ cause they feel they are weak “
We see their tears , we feel their pain , but in silence they remain.
A true poet tells what others do not , and they’ll continue to write
“ they will not stop “.
© L . RAMS 082017

troubled world

we are living in a troubled world where compassion has faded away

And more greed has come into play.

We know greed has been around since the beginning of time

And everyone wants to taste the grapes of a good wine.

We have to climb on others backs to get out of the hole

But once we‘re out let’s take control.

We would all like to live a comfortable life , but only a small percentage will.

So we must tighten up our belts and pull the slack

From this point on there’s no turning back.

If you have your five senses then you are fine

The sixth sense will take some time

The seventh sense is compassion , hope , faith and love

This is stronger than all above.

We are judged not by what we have , but what we do

It all depends upon you.

© L . RAMS 051716


adding hope to all who need it

when friends and family have turned their backs
and against you the cards seem stacked
look to GOD up above for his guidance and his love
for he will do for you what he has done for me
and set your mind and heart free.
just say : GOD there is only so much that i can do
so i turn this problem over to you.

dream catcher

I put the dream catcher at the head of my bed
Where bad dreams dare not treed.
It captures just my good dreams and hopes and prayers
And with the angels it is shared.
What better carrier than an angel with wings
Who can handle most anything.
Your prayers and dreams have been seen and heard
Every dream and every word.
The dream catcher must start again
Because your dreams may never end.
© L. RAMS 020415