my GODS song

He made this world and the universe in six days
And gave us his son to lead the way.
He gave us prophets to tell us of things to come
But it was ignored by most everyone.
He showed the outcomes of things to be
And the future as far as the eye could see.
He created the bible with so many stories
And showed his strength and his glories.
He told of Sampson who was not supposed to cut his hair
But was betrayed by a woman who didn’t care..
He was left blinded and weak , but his faith
Was at its peak.
He pushed the pillars with his hands and many of
The evils left this land.
There are many stories in the bible that people tell
Who knew of these things “ oh so well “.
But this is a story about GOD – and if you believe
Clap your hands and sing with me.
I write this song to GOD above for his tenderness and his love.
We write songs of love and drink , but he gives us
These words just to think.
Just imagine if all the believers were to hold hands
We would travel a thousand fold around the world.
But I know this will never be done
So I write this song to my only one.

GOD you are the father of all creation and speaking your
Name we feel your sensation.
We are brothers and sisters of every nation
Who have come together for our salvation.
Some people are well to do and others are poor
But we all come in through that same door.
GOD we love you , GOD we give you praise
And we are free when we call your name.
We are free when we call your name !
© L . RAMS 091916

the sacrice #2

This is a story I want you to know about my LORD
I love him so.
I don’t ask for diamonds , emeralds or pearls
Just his compassion to save this world.
He started off with a flock of twelve
Now it’s billions “ can’t you tell “.
He died to save humanity and a greater
Sacrifice there could never be.
At the last supper he led them to know
That there was a place that he must go.
Treachery and deceit was in the air
This was his destiny that he had to share.
Raise your arms up and say AMEN
Let his blessings all come in.
He gives me a roof over my head
Food and a bed to sleep and in this house
“ his words we’ll keep “.
© L . RAMS 091716


Young men and women who thought they had it all
One by one I watched them fall
The sampling of a drug – the taste of booze
They thought their will power they could not lose
Soon they would find themselves withering in pain
And the devil right there to stake his claim.

Alcohol and drugs do not mix – it is just a temporary fix
There is not a pill that you can pop , that will help make you stop.
The stage of self denial that you go through
Is something that will not help you.
Day to day you grow weak , when professional
Help is what you seek.

Addiction has no age or gender
“ be strong . Do not surrender “.

L . RAMS 090816